Mystical light installations

Date: 06.01.2024
City: Innsbruck, Innenstadt, 3 Standorte
Inspired by the mysticism and tradition of the Rauhnächte (Rough Nights), in addition to the colourful riot of colours on the façades, artistically designed light elements invite you to pause and reflect on the past year. The Rauhnächte are the special time between the years. According to belief, the laws of nature are suspended on these days and the gates to the underworld are wide open so that the spirits come among the people and sweep the old year out of the houses to make room for the new. Inspired by this, various light and shadow effects, interactive projections and illuminated gates take visitors on a mystical walk through the historic alleyways of the old town (Stiftgasse and Schlossergasse) and across the Inn Bridge into Waltherpark, where these light installations are created by a local artists' collective.
Event details
Date: 06.01.2024
City: Innsbruck, Innenstadt, 3 Standorte
Themes: Winter, Altstadt, Innenstadt, Event, City, Advent/Christmas/New Year's Day
A 6020 Innsbruck
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