Kaiserweihnacht Bergisel

Date: 25.11.2024
City: Innsbruck, Bergiselweg 2
Every year, high above the rooftops of Innsbruck, numerous craft exhibitors from the region look forward to presenting their skills and handmade products to their visitors. Festively decorated stalls, delicious delicacies from the old days and hot punch and mulled wine are also waiting to put visitors in the Christmas mood. Let yourself be entertained by musicians from Tyrol, make Christmas presents with your loved ones and/or sing contemplative Christmas carols with them. Feel the pace of everyday life gradually slow down. - And do so with all your senses!
Event details
Date: 25.11.2024
City: Innsbruck, Bergiselweg 2
Themes: Winter, Advent/Christmas/New Year's Day
Kaiserweihnacht am Bergisel
Bergiselweg 2
A 6020 Innsbruck
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